Have you been burned by a failed lead generation campaign? So much so that the mere mention of lead generation cause you to clamp your hands over your ears and sing-song “La-La-La-La-La…” as….
Making any kind of decision requires information. When you are at a restaurant you have never been to before, you need information to place your order. Unless someone you know has highly recommended….
For B2B firms, base the criteria on what the sales team needs. Detailed background information on both the prospect and the selling opportunity helps drive more productive lead-to-sales results. You can sync scoring….
Once the music starts to play, the lights begin to dim, and the couples begin to pair up and move on to the dance floor, it’s too late to keep your rival from….
The goings on at Dunder Mifflin, the imaginary company on NBC’s The Office, tickle the funny bone because anyone who has ever worked in an office can relate to the inane antics of….
Everyone who wants to make cold calls, take one step forward? What? No takers?” “Okay, who wants to call everyone on our invite list to the seminar to see if they’re coming?” “What….
There are many different ways to undertake lead qualification and measure the efficiency of your process. Cold calling can be highly effective if performed with diligence and consistency. Tele-prospecting stands out above many….
As promised in last week’s blog, here is Tip 2 for sales lead optimization success. Map the buying process by segment or solution Map the lead to sale process for each solution type….
Ugh. There’s that word again: Optimize. And yet, its definition speaks precisely to what B2B lead gen marketers are trying to do – make our marketing campaigns perfect, effective and functional as possible….
If you are reading this guide to help you choose between competing B2B Lead Generation Services, I’ll assume that either: A) You currently have no lead generation service provider Or B) You are….
Direct Marketing Partners humanizes lead generation, marketing automation and the tech stack by inserting voice and intelligence at just the right time! We gain the right to communicate and drive revenue for our customers.