Metrics Reporting and Analytics

Understand Your Marketing Campaign Results and Pipeline

Most companies have limited view of the metrics in their lead gen programs. They can’t manage what they can’t measure

With Direct Marketing Partners, your funnel metrics become quantifiable and measurable through our ability to benchmark the metrics at each stage in your funnel, including the mid-funnel, and continuously improve campaign performance.

With DMP you will know:

  • Your lead funnel conversion rates
  • What each lead is costing you
  • How much it’s worth in potential revenue and pipeline
  • Where the potential problems lie that might require a new strategy.

DMP’s Campaign Reporting Services are second to none in structure, clarity and information. A few of the benefits provided are:

  • Insight and actionable intelligence to help you better invest your marketing dollars
  • Productivity tracking
  • Recording of the cumulative sales pipeline and ROI
  • Accountability

At Direct Marketing Partners, campaign reports and ROI data are translated into actionable intelligence—reports that are deep yet intuitive to access and to use. Please have a look.

inbound lead qualification & chat report

outbound prospecting funnel report

marketing campaign source & list results tracking

audience acquisition