Category: Qualifying Sales Leads

How to Catch More Fish With Your B2B Lead Generation

The plop of the lure hitting the water is a satisfying sound. As is often said, “A bad day of fishing is better than a good day at work.” However, that bad day….

Is Your B2B Lead Generation Company an xBox. Wii, or Playstation?

Most of us are familiar with the names of these game systems even if we aren’t “gamers” and don’t spend our recreational hours thumbing controllers. For each of these systems there is a….

How To Generate Business To Business Sales Leads In Your Sleep

Start Counting Sales Instead of Sheep There are certain things you just can’t do while you’re sleeping; driving a car for example. It’s hard to take a bath or shower during the REM….

EdNet 2013 25th Anniversary Event: The Future is Bright and Exciting

EdNet — what a tremendous event put on by MDR. It’s called the “adult event” of the Education Technology Industry because one is not only able to see the President of the McGraw-Hill….

Why It Takes 7 To 13+ Touches To Deliver A Qualified Sales Lead (Part 4)

By Tom Judge, Vice President Strategy, Direct Marketing Partners and Laurie B. Beasley, Co-Founder and President, Beasley Direct Marketing. In Part 3 of this series, we examined the first four out of ten….

When Inbound Ain’t Enough: B2B Lead Generation Companies Save Your Pipeline

Raise your hand if you’ve ever joined a gym with all the right intentions of losing weight and getting in shape only to not be able to find the time to stick with….

Top 5 Business to Business Telemarketing Ideas

Have email and social media replaced the phone as the primary business to business marketing communications channel? Surprisingly, the answer is no. Telemarketing may have changed, but it is still an important competent….

Why It Takes 7 To 13+ Touches To Deliver A Qualified Sales Lead (Part 2)

By Tom Judge, Vice President Strategy, Direct Marketing Partners and Laurie B. Beasley, Co-Founder and President, Beasley Direct Marketing In our first post on this topic, we examined why Marketing is generating too….

12 Business To Business Lead Generation Mistakes That Make You Look Dumb

There is little question that lead generation and eventual conversion forms the core of every company pitching a product or service, and that there are so many things to keep track of you….

Cold Calling Scripting Best Practices

“A script is a conversational combination of well-planned words that, when delivered naturally, elicit the listener response we desire” – Art Sobczak, Smart Calling. Cold calling is not for the faint of heart…..