Category: Lead Generation

6 Secrets Your Call Center Company Won’t Tell You

Everyone who wants to make cold calls, take one step forward? What? No takers?” “Okay, who wants to call everyone on our invite list to the seminar to see if they’re coming?” “What….

3 Must-have Measurements For Effective Tele-prospecting

There are many different ways to undertake lead qualification and measure the efficiency of your process. Cold calling can be highly effective if performed with diligence and consistency. Tele-prospecting stands out above many….

11 Tips To Optimize Your Marketing Campaigns. Tip 2: Unify Your Lead-To-Sale Plan and the Buying Process

As promised in last week’s blog, here is Tip 2 for sales lead optimization success. Map the buying process by segment or solution Map the lead to sale process for each solution type….

Inbound Call Center Services: 8 Critical Things to Look For

The sport of hunting is not really my thing, however, my oldest son lives for deer season. What I have learned from him is that you don’t just head out into the woods,….

11 Tips To Optimize Your Multi-Channel Marketing Campaigns. Tip 1: Become A “LEAD-TO-SALE” Physician

Ugh. There’s that word again: Optimize. And yet, its definition speaks precisely to what B2B lead gen marketers are trying to do – make our marketing campaigns perfect, effective and functional as possible….

B2B Lead Generation Services: Key Things to Look For Before You Buy

If you are reading this guide to help you choose between competing B2B Lead Generation Services, I’ll assume that either: A) You currently have no lead generation service provider Or B) You are….

How to Catch More Fish With Your B2B Lead Generation

The plop of the lure hitting the water is a satisfying sound. As is often said, “A bad day of fishing is better than a good day at work.” However, that bad day….

Is Your B2B Lead Generation Company an xBox. Wii, or Playstation?

Most of us are familiar with the names of these game systems even if we aren’t “gamers” and don’t spend our recreational hours thumbing controllers. For each of these systems there is a….

Why It Takes 7 To 13+ Touches To Deliver A Qualified Sales Lead (Part 6: Case Study)

By Tom Judge, Vice President Strategy, Direct Marketing Partners and Laurie Beasley, Co-Founder and President, Beasley Direct Marketing. In our final installment on how to develop and nurture sales-ready qualified leads, we will….

How To Generate Business To Business Sales Leads In Your Sleep

Start Counting Sales Instead of Sheep There are certain things you just can’t do while you’re sleeping; driving a car for example. It’s hard to take a bath or shower during the REM….