Start Counting Sales Instead of Sheep
There are certain things you just can’t do while you’re sleeping; driving a car for example. It’s hard to take a bath or shower during the REM phase, but some mornings, I make a very good stab at it. I’m not one who likes to hang around in my pajamas for very long. I like getting my day clothes on and gettin’ to it. I’ll tell you what else I like and that’s waking up to find a good part of my work already done for me. If you feel the same way, I’d suggest you take a good look at what today’s lead generation services can do for you.
Time Efficiency
More than likely, your waking hours are probably already filled with what you need to do to handle your business. You probably don’t have a couple of idle hours laying around that you’re looking to fill with something to do; that’s when using a professional lead generation organization makes sense. While you’re taking care of your business, an experienced lead generation specialist can tailor a smart working plan that will provide you and your sales team with current qualified leads.
Marketing Campaign vs. Lead Generation Services
- What is the purpose of a marketing campaign?
To generate leads. - How much effort has to go into a marketing campaign?
A lot, either from you or the people you hire. - What is the timeframe required to ramp up a marketing campaign and get results?
One week? I don’t think so. Try 3 to 6 months. - What If you could get quality, hot leads without all of that effort?
And in just about a week!
Lead Generation Telemarketing is NOW!
When done properly, by an experienced organization that follows qualified lead generation Best Practices, the leads you receive are ready to contact and start closing. Targeted telemarketing with a strong qualifying interview keep the time wasting non sales-read leads away from your salesforce, letting them focus on working with people who want to do business with you.
Budget Sensitive
- How much does a media marketing campaign cost?
Of course that’s relative to what your campaign includes. We all know advertising isn’t cheap. - How much does lead generation through telemarketing cost?
The beauty is, once you meet with your lead generation specialist and define the parameters, you will know precisely how much each lead will cost.
There is an often asked idiom that always makes me stop and think about what I am doing. It goes,
“What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?”
Whether you will get quality leads from a well-planned lead generation and telemarketing program is not the question. It’s a given that you’ll be successful in getting leads.
The question is, “Are you ready to wake up to the fact that success is yours by having all the leads you need waiting for you when you climb out of bed.”
It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee. Don’t get out of bed on the wrong side tomorrow. Pull out the ear plugs and take off the blindfold, raise the blinds and splash water in your face. Okay. I’m done with the sleep analogies, but you get the picture:
Lead Generation:
- takes less effort on your part than a marketing campaign.
- has a cost per lead that can be identified and managed.
- takes less time to produce results than a marketing campaign.
- has a 100% rate of success!
What was that? Ohhh… that was the alarm clock going off! It’s time to wake up and learn more about getting your lead generation problems solved.