What Dwight Schrute can Teach Us About Lead Generation Companies

The goings on at Dunder Mifflin, the imaginary company on NBC’s The Office, tickle the funny bone because anyone who has ever worked in an office can relate to the inane antics of the employees, particularly the wide-eyed Dwight Schrute.

Here’s what we can learn from Dwight about Lead Generation.

Dwight Lesson #1
Dwight is the horn-rimmed glasses wearing salesman who twists his title “Assistant to the Regional Manager” into “Assistant Regional Manager,” a powerless but impressive sounding position lacking any real decision-making authority.

This is precisely the type of contact many surface-scratching lead generation companies provide their clients. Great titles but when it comes to closing the sale, not even enough authority to close a window.

Make sure your lead generation company is doing more than surface research when developing the account contact biography and that the contacts you are provided are true decision makers or influencers.

Dwight Lesson #2
So how does Dwight, the hapless blundering salesman, despite a lack of social skills and common sense, get the sale? It’s certainly not because of correct sales technique. With fashion-less hair parted down the middle and nothing but brown suits and loud ties, he approaches sales with a militaristic fervor and in the imaginary world of comedy sit-coms, it pays off for him. He gets the sale despite the fact that the account has no interest in his product, isn’t ready to buy anything and doesn’t even know what he’s selling much of the time.

Are the leads your lead generation company is providing qualified as ready-to-buy and do they have a thorough understanding of your business offerings? And a clearly identified need for your solution?

Dwight Lesson #3
Dwight’s theory is that making any kind of contact is better than no contact at all. His unorthodox sales calls certainly aren’t the kind you want anyone making who is representing your company. Although he gets sales, he alienates more clients than he brings into the fold. His lack of tact is humorous on television, but in reality, would be suicidal.

Does your lead generation company use telemarketing professionals, selected for their natural aptitude and are they trained in Direct Marketing Best Practices for navigating the enterprise? Do you have the option to observe them while they are on the phone representing your company to your prospects?

Dwight Lesson #4
Dwight’s biggest coup is stealing his co-worker’s largest account to win the annual “Salesman of the Year” award. Of course Dunder Mifflin gains no more business at all out of the trade-off.  The irony is that it is this blundering aimless activity with an existing customer and careless attitude that is rewarded even though it is totally misdirected. Your best customers provide a blueprint for the type of account you should pursue. How well do you know them.

Does your lead generation company take the time to understand your existing customers and set a clear specification for the ideal type of prospect they will pursue on your behalf?

Dwight Lesson #5
Dwight’s conversational manner is a halting yet intense style that is self-focused and shallow. He hears but doesn’t listen to those who are speaking to him because he is so preoccupied with his own prejudices.

A good lead generation company understands that the customer knows best how to sell to themselves so their representatives are trained to be professional listeners, having the ability to react to the direction the client takes, but keeping the goals of the interview in the forefront.

The Right Attitude or the Dwight Attitude
Perhaps you have experienced this kind of attitude in your lead generation company; the one where it doesn’t really matter how you get sales, as long as you get them, negative consequences, be damned. Make sure your lead generation company has the “Right Attitude,” not the “Dwight Attitude.” Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve sales lead generation goals and deliver the sales and revenue you deserve.

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