7 Reasons to be Passionate about Education Technology

Do you know me?  If you did, you would say (I know because I asked them on Facebook) I love football, especially the Seattle Seahawks, I am loud, live in champagne world on a beer budget, spiritual, loyal, passionate, my niece thinks I’m both cool and weird, and I am an Adam Smith capitalist (This is in reference to my friend Sean’s comment about my habit of betting only quarters at our monthly nickel, dime and quarter poker game).

Until this, my first blog post for my new company Direct Marketing Partners, my friends didn’t and to some degree I didn’t know what got me excited about my job and what part of my 20 year career I am most grateful and humble.  I LOVE being involved in the selling and marketing of Educational Technology.

My core competence is multi-channel B2B direct marketing (email, telemarketing, direct mail, events, lead generation, etc).  I’ve been employed and had clients in the sports, health, tele-communication, retail, and software industries.  BUT, It is these 7 reasons why the online classes, reading, writing, math, science, reference, special education, physical fitness, administrative, and music education technology I’ve been a part of hold a special place in my heart and why I’m blessed to have the opportunity to work with many rather than one as a member of Direct Marketing Partners.

1.  This stuff is COOL   I remember getting out of classes in the 7th grade to build a replica of the Vatican for theology class because it was right next to the ONLY Apple IIe in the school.  For a whole quarter I was probably the only kid who got to play The Oregon Trail everyday.  Today, kids are playing and learning simultaneously with their tablet computers, video conferencing around the world, and building molecules.

2.  It really connects one with their family and friends who are educators.  My Mom and Sister have dedicated their careers to special education.  Many of my best friends are Vice Principals, School Board Members, On Campus Coaches, Kindergarten Teachers and everywhere in between.  I believe what they do is as heroic of a career as my brother’s military career.

3.  Adam Smith said “The propensity to exchange one thing for another is common to all men, and to be found in no other race of animals.”  I do love reading, writing and talking about marketing and selling.  When done correctly this profession is a Doctor/Patient relationship, only products or services will be prescribed, which will truly be beneficial for the customer not to just hit a quota.  IT IS FUN TO HIT QUOTA TOO 🙂

4.  It’s a definable and known universe where the end-users and consumers of the technology have goals, which are tangible and are innovative with what’s being purchased.  According to the Boundless “Ed Tech Cheat Sheet” infographic, there are 24 trends the last couple of years.

5.  This was the first thing I thought of (OF COURSE) when I started to write: The impact on student’s lives from the products and services I’ve sold or help sell the past 20 years.  I don’t know the number of students it’s helped and few stories, BUT I’ll never forget, a moment in Minnesota. I was at our booth on Monday when the public was allowed in and a gentleman brought his son who was wearing a shirt he had autographed from the real Rudy Ruettiger speech earlier in the morning.  His son immediately picked up the special education keyboard and started typing in the talking word processor and the son typed in “Thank You Dad.”  The Dad emotionally affected, said to me “I didn’t know he could do that.”   His son had Cerebral Palsy and wanted the set up so he could communicate with his son at home.  I can only imagine where the conversations went from there.

6.  The last story really hits me as I write it because my Dad used the exact same keyboard with his limited motor capabilities – which in turn made me think of the computers he and my mom bought me growing up from the Timex Sinclair 1000 to the Texas Instruments TI 99/4A to a Packard Bell.   The investments they made in these tools turned into a humbling career, an ability to communicate around the world, and a continual intrigue to the question What’s Next?

7. The last things which make this industry so gripping are the Companies and the People.  Everyone I’ve met in this industry has similar backgrounds and goals wanting to see a better future.  Our kindred spirits are aligned to try and help:

  • Administrators make the best decisions by making information easily attainable
  • Teachers save time in providing content and effective tools
  • Students by helping them gain confidence in all their capabilities.

I hope your life as a marketing and/or sales professional has the same passion in what you do daily and I would love to hear about your career and passion.  I wish you serenity in your lead management process.