11 Tips To Optimize Your Multi-Channel Marketing Campaigns. Tip 1: Become A “LEAD-TO-SALE” Physician


Ugh. There’s that word again: Optimize. And yet, its definition speaks precisely to what B2B lead gen marketers are trying to do – make our marketing campaigns perfect, effective and functional as possible to achieve our end goal: increased sales.

According to CSO Insights 2014 Sales Performance Optimization Study released last week, 94.5% of the 1,200 firms surveyed worldwide plan to increase their revenue targets in 2014.

However, one of the most significant trends that surfaced in the study was a decrease in quota attainment by sales people. “After seeing individual sales rep performance improvements in 2010 and 2011, it leveled off in 2012. In 2013, we saw a noticeable drop (nearly 5%) in the percentage of sales reps that were able to hit their revenue targets,” said CSO Insights Managing Partner Jim Dickie. (See chart)


So, the pressure to make marketing campaigns count is more intense than ever.

Over the next several weeks, we will share 11 field tested tips for true optimization success.

Tip 1 – Become a “Lead-to-Sale” Physician

  • Develop and live a “lead-to-sales” philosophy
  • Diagnose a broken, inefficient or ailing lead-to-sale process
  • Once diagnosed, seek solutions (You may need to consult with other experts)
  • As with all illnesses, a positive attitude is key to a successful recovery

We’ll share more tips over the coming weeks. Stay tuned.